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Customs Clearance / Questions & Answers

How much does a standard Customs Clearance cost and what do I need to do to have UK Customs Clearances process it for me ?

We charge £29 at any UK Sea or Airport for a standard Customs Clearance and all you need to do is contact us with the details you have such as Airwaybill number or Sea Line Notice of Arrival. It’s very simple and we will look after all of the logistics from this point on.

Are there any other costs ?

YES, the Airline or Shipping Line will charge you a number of local Terminal and handling fees. These vary by carrier and are dependant on the weight and volume of your shipment.

Can these extra charges be avoided ?

NO, the Line has your shipment and whoever you use to do your Customs Clearance will have to pay the Line to get release of your cargo.

I am only importing my personal effects do I need an EORI number ?

No, you do not need an EORI number to be able to import personal effects. The documents you need are clearly listed in the “downloads” section of this website.

I am importing a one off “Commercial Sample’ will I still need to pay Vat & Duty Taxes ?

If you can prove this is a one off sample then you can import without paying VAT & Duty. However, Customs will check the validity of the entry before release of the shipment.

Once I have the release note from you as I wish to collect myself what do I do ?

You will need an original release note from us. This we can post to you as scanned copies / faxes are not accepted by the Lines.

What is an EORI Number and how do I get one ?

An EORI number is a unique reference number issued by Customs and is a one-time application. Application forms can be downloaded free of charge at ukcustomclearances.co.uk/downloads

If there is VAT or Duty taxes payable how do I pay them ?

We hold a client account with Customs so will pay this on your behalf and invoice you for it. Please note VAT & Duty is payable to Customs before they will release it from the HM Warehouse Bond.

If I collect myself what do I need from you ?

You will need an original release note from us. This we can post to you as scanned copies / faxes are not accepted by the Lines.

How does paying the Sea / Airline work ?

We pay the Line on your behalf and include it in our final invoice to you.

If I am importing items of a commercial nature do I need any special paperwork ?

YES, apart from a suppliers invoice you will need a Customs EORI number ?

What do I pay Import VAT & Duty taxes on ?

Import Vat is payable on all commercial goods being imported into the UK from a non EU Country. Duty is payable at varying rates dependant on the type of goods. New items and items such as Alcohol and Tobacco being imported for personal use are also liable to VAT & Duty taxes.

Once the shipment has cleared, what happens then ?

We will email you an invoice and once paid we will arrange delivery to your home or business.

Can I collect from the Sea / Airline myself ?

YES, however you will need to take the following documentation as you will be entering a very secure Customs restricted area 1.Original Passport 2.Utility bill in the name of the importer. Must be under 3 months old and be with a recognised company or organisation such as BT, British Gas, or Council tax. Mobile phone bills not accepted. 3. Documentary evidence of the vehicle that you are using for collection is registered in your name and insured.

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